what is happiness in general, then in the Muslim religion?


Happiness, a universal pursuit of humanity, unfolds through various cultural and religious lenses. This dissertation will explore the concept of happiness, first examining its secular dimensions, then delving into its understanding within the Muslim faith.

I. Secular Dimensions of Happiness:

  • 1.1 Personal Quest: Happiness, often linked to personal fulfillment and enriching relationships, constitutes a sought-after ideal in diverse global cultures.

  • 1.2 Diversity of Happiness Sources: From professional achievements to interpersonal relationships and material pleasures, happiness sources are manifold and vary among individuals.

  • II. Happiness in the Muslim Religion:

    • 2.1 Spiritual Quest: In Islam, happiness finds its roots in Allah's satisfaction, involving a virtuous life aligned with the teachings of the Quran.

    • 2.2 Social Dimension: Compassion towards others, generosity, and the establishment of an ethical community are essential elements of happiness from the Islamic perspective.

    • In conclusion, whether apprehended through secular dimensions or anchored in Islamic spirituality, happiness remains a central objective of human existence. This exploration reveals the diversity of paths to happiness and underscores the importance of understanding these varied perspectives for a more comprehensive vision of this universal aspiration.

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